Thursday, April 8, 2010

What is Nike really saying in new Tiger ad? - News - FOX Sports on MSN

What is Nike really saying in new Tiger ad? - News - FOX Sports on MSN

anyone can be untrue to his wife and be a deceitful person as long as that person makes us money!!


  1. I bought into the sincerity of the add. I think it means he gets it, he understands. If his father were still here, he would have asked those questions. Tiger gets it, he sees his errors and is going to live up to his fathers expectations. I defer my judgement or lack there of to God. Who better?

  2. It is not about weather he gets it, he says he does because that is what is going to help his image! God will judge him, I am just tired of all these rich people who do bad things and only say their sorry because they get caught!
